F.C. Zuke

F. C. Zuke is an artist working in video, animation, sound, installation, interactive media, and creative coding. He creates audiovisual works that investigate the intersection of human/animal/machine intelligence and the ways that beliefs are acquired, transmitted, and performed in society.
Most Retrieved Words, (Video, 2:32)

Most Retrieved Words
Most Retrieved Words began through engagements with the general public and by asking dog-owners the question, “What have you learned from your dog?” Participants were also asked to submit short audio clips of their dogs barking. This material was used to position dogs as valid sources of knowledge, wisdom, and power. The sounds of the dogs were manipulated to mimic the spacious reverberations of sacred architecture. In this way, the dogs take on the role of choir members. The visual content in the work contains hundreds of videos of running dogs that were extracted from found footage. These four-legged figures appear as ghostly, supernatural, and regal.
Accompanying the audiovisual material is a list of words that appeared most frequently in the general public's response to "What have you learned from your dog?" These words act as evidence that dogs can exist as an alternative to anthropocentric sources of belief and knowledge.