Liz Wierbicki
Ivy Tech Community College

Liz Wierzbicki is a multimedia artist, educator and community worker. Wierzbicki received her BA in Mathematics and Fine Art at Augusta College in Illinois and her MFA at Indiana University, Indianapolis. Wierzbicki is an Assistant Professor of Fine Arts at Ivy Tech Community College in Indianapolis and a co-founder of Cat Head Press: Printshop and Artist Cooperative. Wierzbicki has been an Artist in Residence at MASS MoCA in North Adams, Massachusetts; Cow House Studios in Ireland; and Arteles Creative Center in Finland. Her work has been exhibited at Chinatown Soup in New York City; Fluorescent Gallery in Knoxville, Tennessee; Good Sport in London, Ontario; Crooked Tree Art Center in Traverse City, Michigan; The Holland Project in Reno Nevada; and at the Indianapolis International Airport.
Post Hypnosis (video, 2:14)

Post Hypnosis
The Sun, though always present, our perception and experience of its presence is cyclical and changes as we move in space and time. This phenomena is mirrored in the functions of the mind: the birth of a new thought, reoccurring emotions, and the way our perceptual experiences are dependent on our physical placement and surroundings. In "Post Hypnosis", the hallucinatory use of sunrise and sunset harnesses their universal allure to tempt, transfix, and transport. Paired with visceral sound and emanating from a material world, their audacious and fleeting presence mimics the human emotional state. A once reliable and familiar light makes looping, intermittent appearances instead. (Sound created by David Dominique)