Renata Janiszewska

My present work evolved from 11 years of experimentation with digital media. I was very taken with the ease with which I could draw on early iPhone and iPad devices, and the portability of these tools meant that I could do my work everywhere. My intention is to construct a portal into imagined landscapes, while evoking the sublime. It is about the beauty and terror inherent in our inner and outer landscapes. My file sizes are currently large to accommodate prints and mural-size installation projects for interior and exterior wall surfaces. New generative technology allows me to create images by combining hand-generated imagery with that of AI. Because I paint with light on an electronic canvas, the colours are deeply saturated, luminous and with an intended shimmer. I like to use colour extravagantly. I am a part of Techspressionism, an artistic approach in which technology is used as a means to express emotional experience. The worlds I create consciously diverge sharply from the urban landscape in which I live. They are an attempt to help me drown out the static and noise of cyberspace and the city. I portray states of feeling and the oneiric and hope to touch viewers in their hearts as well as their minds. In addition to my digital animations, for which I compose and record the soundtracks, I make paintings on electronic canvas. I employ the tenets of Modernism and the formal traditions of painting while using cutting edge tools to express my visual ideas.
Crying Pink (2:44)

Crying Pink is about the loneliness of being cloned and the sadness of having to leave your soul and your memories behind. The main character is neither male nor female, not fully human, and is repeated to evoke machine reproduction and cyborgian malaise. The soundtrack contains crying sounds which heighten the theme of pain as a result of loneliness. There is a 19th-century French village and a monster. The fable of Beauty and the Beast comes to mind, a story both cinematic and like a poem. There is a hero trapped within the monster, and his contortions express his desire to escape his beastly outer shell. The color palette is subdued, thus serious.