Vincent DeZutti

I am a Minneapolis-based artist working in photography, video, and new media. My work mixes analog and digital photographic techniques to explore themes of image-making, memory, nature, and sense of place. I work in both digital and analog photography mediums, and like to remix and re-contextualize images through methods such as collage, digital manipulation, and re-photography. Often my work explores conceptual and aesthetic examinations of images and the way we as humans create and consume them, as well as the ways that photography succeeds and fails at documenting subjects accurately.
2021 Collage #3

2021 Collage #3
The two works submitted are single channel digital video works that reflect my feelings about the year 2021. The mix of smart phone footage, distorted audio, and graphic design elements communicate my anxiety of living through the pandemic and consuming the overwhelming barrage of digital content that has become the norm during the digital age.