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Pavel Checkulaev


I was born in 1983. In 1996 I got my first PC. Since then, I have been closely watching the evolution of the digital world. My education, work and leisure are tied to internet technologies and MMO projects. I am interested in post digital, post internet and speculative design. And my main focus is on the digital world in video games. Being directly involved, following other users and players allows me to explore this theme and analyze the influence that digital space has.



serialize() — function converts complex data structure in a simplified data view. I look for a human-modified landscape and shoot it. Then I build a paper model, based on the motive of this landscape. I print fragments from the landscape image on the model, enlarged so that pixelation appears. Finally, I create an installation with the same landscape and shoot the result. I get two landscapes in the picture: real (physical) and transformed, which is also real.

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