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Kate Hollenbach
University of Denver


Kate Hollenbach is an artist, programmer, and educator based in Denver, Colorado, US. She creates video and interactive works examining critical issues in user interface and user experience design, with a focus on user habits, data collection, and surveillance. Her art practice is informed by years of professional experience as an interface designer and product developer. Formerly Director of Design and Computation at Oblong Industries, she led an interdisciplinary team of designers and programmers to develop cutting-edge user experiences for collaborative environments and new interaction models for gestural devices. She has presented and exhibited work in venues across the United States, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, SIGGRAPH, and INST-INT. Kate holds an MFA from UCLA Design Media Arts and a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT. Kate is currently an Assistant Professor of Emergent Digital Practices at the University of Denver and serves on the Board of Directors for Processing Foundation.

Uploaded to the Cloud

KHollenbach_UploadedToTheCloud_5 - Kate Hollenbach.png

Uploaded to the Cloud is a generative, browser-based work in which a computer imagines a sky made of data. Dynamically generated clouds gently move across the frame of the browser window, representing various types of data that can be transmitted by the internet. The clouds are an abstraction of iconography commonly used to represent data and user interactions on the web: likes, hearts, bookmarks, mail envelopes, chat bubbles, alerts, and more. The work is a playful meditation on the metaphors used to describe the transmission of data in relation to body and place.

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